. # 6 (blue for the Solar System) Jupiter, King of the Solar System. You can see 3 of its' moons that orbit Jupiter in a horizontal line. Also, to the top left, is another "moon"; ah, but this is really a star! Jupiter was very near the star in the constellation Virgo on 6/93. If you look closely, you'll notice that the star is whiter than Jupiter & its moons, which are more yellow-orange. The yellow-orange color is due to reflection from our Sun, where the star generates its own light. Jupiter is about 34 light-minutes, or 377 million miles, away. Jupiter was in the news in July, a once-in-a-lifetime event, when a broken-up comet smashed into it. I was able to get a picture shortly afterwards which shows a black smudge on the planet. #6 from IMG0005.pcd, taken 06/05/93, f/6.3, ASA 400, 6sec, 26mm